I have had several people encourage me to include some of my photography on my website. I have struggled with this as I am much harder on my photography than I am on my paintings.
My Uncle Rick graduated in Photography from Brigham Young University and I have always admired his talent and knowledge of photography. I followed in his footsteps to a small degree by taking Photography in High School from the same teacher he had taken it from, Mr. Stanton. But a year of photography in high school doesn't compare to a Bachelor's degree in it, which has lead to a level of intimidation on my part in making my photography available for display and purchase.
My Uncle Rick and his wife Charlene recently came and stayed with me and my roommates and while he was here I had him take a look at some of the photos I have done. With a some coaching and encouragement from him, I have decided to go ahead and make some of my photography available.
As summer has almost arrived, I have decided to release a panoramic photo I took of the Mormon Miracle Pageant that is held in Manti, Utah every June. It should be on the website sometime this week. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the pageant, it is held outdoors at the bottom of the Manti Temple hill. Over 80,000 people attend each year. It celebrates the events leading to the founding of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its doctrines, and its pioneer heritage. The pageant begins at sundown and the photo I took shows the sunset to the left, the temple in the middle, and the silhouette of the trees behind the temple to the right. In the foreground you can see the faces of the crowd illuminated by the stage lights as they wait for the pageant to begin.
I have attended the pageant almost every year since I have lived in Utah. I am big on traditions, and this is one of mine. I love being able to get out of the city and enjoy rural Utah. It reminds me of where I grew up. Turkey farms are a major part of the landscape and the smoked turkey dinner you can get before the pageant starts can't be beat!
The pageant's script has been the same for many years and is an audio recording that is streamed through large speakers. While listening to the audio presentation, a cast of over 500 people, many coming from the youth of the local congregations, act out the events being discussed. I have had friends complain or joke about the audio portion, but I think it is more of an issue of an older style being used. Overall it is very well done. There are some beautiful images that have left an imprint on my mind and heart that come forth during the presentation. They depict things that are so near to my heart, things that are so very sacred to me.
I intend this blog to be something that anyone of any faith or belief can appreciate, but I would like to share one of the scenes that always touches my heart. Family is a very important part of Latter-day Saint culture and doctrine. We believe that we can live eternally with our families in heaven after this life. Behind the temple on the right hand side is a large and beautiful staircase that comes from the temple down the hill a ways. In the story presented, one of the main characters dies. As we wait in a moment of darkness, this staircase is illuminated and we see the character's spirit all dressed in white ascending the staircase. As he ascends, we see his wife and others who already passed on descending with beautiful smiles and outstretched arms to greet him. It is always a good reminder for me of what matters most in this life.
My Uncle Rick graduated in Photography from Brigham Young University and I have always admired his talent and knowledge of photography. I followed in his footsteps to a small degree by taking Photography in High School from the same teacher he had taken it from, Mr. Stanton. But a year of photography in high school doesn't compare to a Bachelor's degree in it, which has lead to a level of intimidation on my part in making my photography available for display and purchase.
My Uncle Rick and his wife Charlene recently came and stayed with me and my roommates and while he was here I had him take a look at some of the photos I have done. With a some coaching and encouragement from him, I have decided to go ahead and make some of my photography available.
As summer has almost arrived, I have decided to release a panoramic photo I took of the Mormon Miracle Pageant that is held in Manti, Utah every June. It should be on the website sometime this week. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the pageant, it is held outdoors at the bottom of the Manti Temple hill. Over 80,000 people attend each year. It celebrates the events leading to the founding of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its doctrines, and its pioneer heritage. The pageant begins at sundown and the photo I took shows the sunset to the left, the temple in the middle, and the silhouette of the trees behind the temple to the right. In the foreground you can see the faces of the crowd illuminated by the stage lights as they wait for the pageant to begin.
I have attended the pageant almost every year since I have lived in Utah. I am big on traditions, and this is one of mine. I love being able to get out of the city and enjoy rural Utah. It reminds me of where I grew up. Turkey farms are a major part of the landscape and the smoked turkey dinner you can get before the pageant starts can't be beat!
The pageant's script has been the same for many years and is an audio recording that is streamed through large speakers. While listening to the audio presentation, a cast of over 500 people, many coming from the youth of the local congregations, act out the events being discussed. I have had friends complain or joke about the audio portion, but I think it is more of an issue of an older style being used. Overall it is very well done. There are some beautiful images that have left an imprint on my mind and heart that come forth during the presentation. They depict things that are so near to my heart, things that are so very sacred to me.
I intend this blog to be something that anyone of any faith or belief can appreciate, but I would like to share one of the scenes that always touches my heart. Family is a very important part of Latter-day Saint culture and doctrine. We believe that we can live eternally with our families in heaven after this life. Behind the temple on the right hand side is a large and beautiful staircase that comes from the temple down the hill a ways. In the story presented, one of the main characters dies. As we wait in a moment of darkness, this staircase is illuminated and we see the character's spirit all dressed in white ascending the staircase. As he ascends, we see his wife and others who already passed on descending with beautiful smiles and outstretched arms to greet him. It is always a good reminder for me of what matters most in this life.
This blog is a great idea and I look forward to seeing what additions you make to it. The website also looks great. Your idea of doing cards is brilliant.
I must say, it is a bit intimidating to put one's work out for public comment, at least it is for me. One of my favorite pictures my wife doesn't like. I ask her why and she says she doesn't "get it". I believe she thinks it is stupid and perhaps she is right. So the risks are high when you show your work. (At least, when your married to a critic.)
Regarding formal education, one of my favorite photographers Fred Licht (www.fredlicht.com) is self taught. Many photographers are. Fred's work is outstanding, as his clients attest, and it is great fun to work with him. There are shortcuts in formal education, but there is a great amount to be said for being self-taught. It might hel you keep your eyes fresher. It is easy to be dishonest to impress peers.
Having a blog to write about your work is a great idea. I really enjoyed reading about your experiences in Manti. I look forward to seeing more of your work and writing.Good Luck!
I second what was said about being self-taught. It's obvious from your work that you have a lot of knowledge and a growing understanding of photography and art. Keep learning but more importantly, continue to follow your heart!
I am really surprised,you have a big talent to do this,I love the photography so I can say that I admire you because you do that so good! your work is fantastic!,also I loved your blog I think it is a really good idea write about your work and things that inspire you,in that way we can know much more about your point of view.Your art is really good too.You are really good,Im glad for that, so keep working in that and post your pictures! I would like see them!.Well,you have an old friend who now is your fan also!.Go Jeremiah!...congratulations!.
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